Who do I call regarding road maintenance?
Answer: Call Frank Rishel at 570-336-2341 or Supervisor Richard Hess at 570-437-2755.

How can I get on the adgenda for the next meeting?
Answer: Call the office one week ahead of time (570) 437-3270 .

How do I get a zoning permit?
Answer: Contact William Dickerson, Zoning Officer, at 570-271-3021 and he will make an appointment to meet with you.

Who do I contact for a building permit?
Answer: Call Limestone Township at 570-437-9067. They will give you the needed information.

What is the phone # for the Exchange Pool?
Answer: 570-437-3794

What is my PSD (Political Subdivision) Code for Anthony Township?
Answer: Your code is #490601